Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Newly Potted Plant I am

Have you ever seen a newly repotted plant? If so, it looks sort of awkward, with dirt on its leaves, a couple of stems bent, mildly limp and conceivably shocked. You know, however, that it's going to be ok in a matter of days. After approximately 48h of arriving in Kigali, I am feeling what I imagine a newly repotted plant might feel like if it had the ability to feel. Thankfully, I am assured by all my housemates that these sentiments are quite normal.

That being said, the people here in Rwanda are unparalled in their grace and kindness. I have yet to meet a rude Rwandan. Everyone including random passengers picked by the hospital car driver reach over to shake your hand, introduce themselves and wish you a wonderful evening even though they have just met you five minutes ago. I especially love their smiles. Even more exciting was meeting the Rwandan anesthesia residents over the past two days. It's only been two days, but it's obvious that they are all thirsting for challenges, wanting to know more, and ready to have fun doing it. Moreover, they are wonderfully generous, warm, humourous, grateful and open. Meeting them makes me feel so privileged to be a part of this initiative, and I know that I have a ton to learn from them as well.

The country is beautiful. For a person who loves flowers and colours, the abundance of hibiscus, jacaranda trees, rhododendrons, bougainvilleas, and other unknown and exotic flowers is amazing. The horizon is layered with misty grey outlines of hills. Terraces of tan and light brown buildings drape over the Kigali city hills, and all this is visible from our guesthouse. The cleanliness of the streets and the well-paved roads puts Montreal to shame. I am really looking forward to seeing more of Kigali and Rwanda in the next few weeks.

As well as getting to see more of the country, I am looking forward to getting used to some of the idiosyncracies of living here. These idiosyncracies are both the source of laughs and tears...

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