Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Going south

I'm at the end of my third day in California already and there are plenty of signs that we're moving south steadily. The rains have left us and only morning fogs remain. The temperature is rising and I need fleece garments less and less, while the sunscreen I need more and more. The coastal forests change and now giant redwoods grow instead of pine trees. I used to see lots of dark green and fewer colours, but now in northern california I see golden (literally) grasslands with a variety of colored wildflower patches marbled in.

The Mexican influence is evident now. Not only is Mexican food found in even the smallest convenience store, but I catch Spanish being spoken everywhere. The buildings used to be darker up in Oregon. Here you can see that buildings have been and are still being bleached by the sun.

I am relieved that I can worry less about staying warm and keeping dry. Now I have to start making sure I drink enough, that I don't get a sunburn and that I don't miss too many fruit stands. This is fabulous.

Janius Tsang