Wednesday, June 22, 2011

So Long Mariana

We said goodbye to Mariana this morning, as she's off on a Greyhound bus that will take her to San Fran for the rest of her vacation. We leave Marty as well, since he's finished his tour of the entire Pacific coast in Eureka. We're now a group of two proceeding onwards, and we are spending the night among the redwood trees in a campsite 8 km west of the famous Avenue of the Giants.

Although two of our friends have left, we find new ones at our campsite. Three dear graze about 25 meters away and glance curiously at me when I step into the port-a-potty. Several cute seedlings of poison oak sit 40 cm away from my tent, and we crashed the party that a scorpion was having when we put our food away in the bear-proof food cupboard. The party was pretty noisy, with Misty yelling "Geez! Janius you have to see thus scorpion over here playing dead!" There were thankfully no neighbors that complained about the noise level since we were the only ones camping there that night and mountain lions don't appreciate noise, so they stay away.